Frequently Asked Questions

How does the accreditation process work?

The accreditation process to become an SDN Accredited Service Design Professional or Master consists of 4 easy steps:


The completion of the entire process takes approximately six weeks.


How does the registration work?

To start the process, click on the button ‘Get accredited’, found on the top banner or under the ‘Service Design Professional’ or ‘Service Design Master’ sections of the page.

If you already have an SDN account, simply log in. Otherwise, create a free account to continue. After registering, enter the Accreditation section under your SDN dashboard. Once there, click on “Start Self-Assessment” on the left drop-down menu to start your application.


How does the application work?

Your accreditation application includes the following:

  • Completing a self-assessment
  • Uploading a case study and training example that best represents your skills
  • Adding at least one testimonial from a client, employer or participant of your training sessions
  • Accepting Terms & Conditions
  • Payment of application fee

What is the self-assessment?

The main goal of the self-assessment is to highlight your accomplishments and to showcase aspects of your identity as a service designer to potential clients, employers and customers. Therefore, remember to be professional when writing your self-assessment. To increase your credibility, support your accomplishments with actual data and online resources whenever possible.

Here are five tips to help guide you on completing your self-assessment successfully.

What does the self-assessment contain? 

The self-assessment contains 30 fields divided into 4 sections:

  • Section 1 - Qualification and experience
  • Section 2 - Training experience
  • Section 3 - Activities within the service design community
  • Section 4 - Supporting material: service design case/training example and testimonials

In the event a field does not apply to your particular situation, you may leave it blank. Items that are left unanswered will not be shown on your assessment.

Who will see my assessment?

Your assessment will be shared with the SDN Accreditation Committee for review and, in the event of your successful accreditation, it will also be openly available for download by the community on your SDN member profile, as proof of your accomplishments. 

Supporting material provided in Section 4 (service design case/training example and testimonials) will only be shared with the SDN Accreditation Committee as part of your application, and will not be openly visible or available for download by the community on your SDN member profile.

How long does it take to complete the self-assessment?

The length of time needed to take the self-assessment varies based on the individual. We recommend that you take the necessary time and effort to complete your assessment. You can save the assessment as a draft and finish it at any time. 

Which language should I write my self-assessment, case study/training example and testimonials in?

For the time being, we only accept applications and supporting material with content in English. Make sure to also extensively spell- and grammar-check your work before submitting it. In the event that you are not a native English speaker, we encourage you to seek proofreading support. These are all signs of how seriously you take the process and its importance to you.

How do I upload a case study and training example?

Prepare a PDF file that includes one of your service design cases (following the Case Study Template) and one typical example of a service design training you offer with a description, structure/agenda and photos. 

How do I add testimonials?

Provide at least one testimonial about your work from a client, employer and/or participant of your training sessions, including their name and position.

How do I submit my application?

Once you’re all done with your application, you will be asked to confirm and submit your self-assessment for review. 

When do I pay the application fee? 

A non-refundable application fee of €180 (incl. VAT) will be billed to your provided credit card when you submit your application for review.


When does the interview take place?

After reviewing your application, the SDN Accreditation Committee will invite you, if eligible, to a virtual interview within a four-week time frame. 

How does the interview work? 

The in-depth virtual interview takes place via Zoom and is conducted by two members of the SDN Accreditation Committee. The length and agenda of the interview will differ depending on the type of application:

Service Design Professional

If you are applying as a Service Design Professional, you are invited to a 30 minutes (max) interview. The agenda of the interview will be as follows:

  • 5 mins: welcome and short round of introductions
  • 5 mins: presentation of a provided task (presentation can be verbal-only or include slides shared via the screen) 
  • 10 mins: interview/Q&A session 
  • 5 mins: open session reserved for questions from you
  • 5 mins: wrap-up and information on next steps 

Your 5-min presentation is based on a task provided to you in advance. We randomly propose one of our standard tasks, such as: 

  • Explain in a 5-min session what service design is and why it brings new value 
  • Reflect in a 5-min session on the value of co-creation and how and where it should be applied 
  • Develop in a 5-min session your thoughts on the history and evolution of service design

Service Design Master 

If you are applying as a Service Design Master, you are invited to a 45 minutes (max) interview. The agenda of the interview will be as follows:

  • 5 mins: welcome and short round of introductions
  • 10 mins: presentation of your case study (presentation can be verbal-only or include slides shared via the screen) 
  • 15 mins: interview/Q&A session 
  • 5 mins: open session reserved for questions from you
  • 5 mins: wrap-up and information on next steps 

Your 10-min presentation of your case study (same case you have uploaded to your application) should be based on the following structure: 

  • The Challenge 
  • The Approach 
  • The Outcome 
  • The Impact 
  • Reflection (key takeaways for practitioners and for service providers) 

Who is part of the SDN Accreditation Committee? 

The SDN Accreditation Committee consists of experienced service design professionals: 

Birgit Mager – Head of the Committee

Stefan Moritz

Richard Ekelman

Shelley Evenson

Eleonora Carnasa

Katie Murrie

Sissi Ren

Tim Macarthur

Thomas Brandenburg

How does the SDN Accreditation Committee work?

The members of the Accreditation Committee are responsible for evaluating the applications on standardised criteria, interviewing the candidates and providing the final evaluation which will lead to either an official accreditation or further recommendations for a future accreditation.

The evaluation criteria for the interview are: clarity, visuality, reflection on terms and definitions, examples, interaction and time management. 


How long does it take to get the final evaluation?

After the interview, the SDN Accreditation Committee will deliberate their decision and you will receive your evaluation within two weeks of the interview.

How does the evaluation work? 

The evaluation will be shared with you by email and will lead to either your official accreditation or further recommendations for your future accreditation. 

Further recommendations can include, for example, an invitation to a second interview and the fulfillment of requirements such as publishing your case study on the SDN website, joining the local SDN Chapter, engaging with the community, etc.

When do I pay the remaining accreditation fee? 

The remaining accreditation fee will be billed to your credit card only after the completion of the accreditation process and if you are successfully accredited by the SDN.

Once you receive the confirmation of your successful accreditation, the remaining accreditation fee will be billed to your provided credit card and your two-year accreditation period will start.

What is the total cost to become accredited?

Your Professional or Master accreditation costs in total: 

  • For existing SDN members: from €360 to €1,620 (incl. VAT), billed every two years.
  • For non-members: from €400 to €1,800 (incl. VAT), billed every two years.

The accreditation fee includes: the review of your application by the SDN, your access to the accreditation process and interview by the SDN Accreditation Committee, the provision of your SDN accreditation benefits for 24 months and a two-year SDN Professional Membership with all connected benefits.


Using the World Bank's country income index as a guiding framework, accreditation fees are charged based on where you live and fall into one of the following economic categories, as termed by the World Bank:

Income Categories*

  • High income: 1,620 Euros for SDN members / 1,800 Euros for non-members.
  • Upper middle income: 1,080 Euros for SDN members /1,200 Euros for non-members.
  • Lower middle income: 540 Euros for SDN members/ 600 Euros for non-members.
  • Low income: 360 Euros for SDN members/ 400 Euros for non-members.

*To learn more about where your country falls within the World Bank’s country designations, please click here. Please note that a supplemental list can be found here for countries not registered within this index due to being territories of other countries or smaller independent nations.  

What kind of discounts are offered?

We offer group discounts for three or more individuals from the same organisation. Please contact us at to discuss a group-rate discount and other payment methods.

Special discounts off the regular price might also apply during specific promotional campaigns organised by SDN. Details of specific promotions will be shared with the community via the SDN Accreditation newsletter and across SDN media channels. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date.

What happens after the two-year accreditation period?

At the end of your two-year accreditation period, you will be invited to extend or upgrade your accreditation at a 50% reduced rate by taking part in a simplified re-accreditation process.

Self-assess your accreditation level here

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have further questions or run into any issues during your application.