About Bas Raijmakers

Bas Raijmakers
Amsterdam | Netherlands


Bas Raijmakers STBY, design research
I have been part of this community since its beginning, and so has Stby. We were involved in the first international conference in Amsterdam in 2008, and have been involved in many activities ever since. We publish in Touchpoint and speak and workshop at SDN conferences: this is a community where we feel at home! More about 20+ years of Stby on our website: stby.eu. 

To me, service design means...

People and how they interact are my main interest, and that happens to be at the core of service design. I think designers and researchers need to interact with people to, to achieve the change that is so much needed everywhere in this wonderful and sometimes weird world that has many worries that need to be addressed.

Bas’s contributions

How to contribute
Touchpoint Article From Field Stories to Strategic Design

From Field Stories to Strategic Design

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Touchpoint Article Geke van Dijk and Bas Raijmakers Interview

Geke van Dijk and Bas Raijmakers Interview

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Touchpoint Article How Sticky Research drives Service Design

How Sticky Research drives Service Design

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Touchpoint Article Paving the Way for Ethical AI Integration

Paving the Way for Ethical AI Integration

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