About Brian Gillespie

Brian Gillespie
Orleans | United States


Brian Gillespie Freelance & PARK, Design Consultant & Teacher

Born in Ireland and living in the US, I strive as much as possible to live a trans-Atlantic life! Based in the Greater Boston area for many years, my career trajectory has encompassed the evolution of User Experience and Service Design, though I have nearly always called myself a strategic designer, feeling that it allows me a broader view and responsibility on the role design plays to create better futures for diverse stakeholders. My experience as a drummer/band member has also influenced my creative approach to design.

Over the past few years I have been an independent consultant building on my wonderful network to do interesting things with interesting people. I partner with PARK (www.park.bz), a design leadership and design management consultancy, to provide service design management coaching and education through the PARK Academy to design teams in Norway, Estonia, Ireland, UK, and Slovenia. 

My role on the SDN Leadership Team is to consider the membership experience by exploring opportunities to continually provide value to our members and extended community. Our recent work has focused on the case study experience, which will only be a success if you, my fellow member, submit case studies on a regular basis!

See you here and there!

Brian’s contributions

How to contribute
Touchpoint Article Agile Service Design Thinking and Doing

Agile Service Design Thinking and Doing

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Touchpoint Article From the editors

From the editors

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Touchpoint Article From Thinking and Doing to Service Design Leading

From Thinking and Doing to Service Design Leading

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Touchpoint Article The SDN Website Case Study Experience

The SDN Website Case Study Experience

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Touchpoint Issue Vol. 10 No. 2

Vol. 10 No. 2

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