Two chapters were successively published in 2012 and 2015 and closed due to a lack of maturity on the subject. France is the country of Descartes with an engineering culture and companies are organised around a very centralised and hierarchical vision, very far from the cultural models of Northern Europe, more centred on people.


However, for the past 2 years, design approaches have been on the rise: many agencies linked to the start-up ecosystem have emerged with the ambition of changing the organisations and working methods in large companies. Initially focused on digital transformation, they are increasingly interested in ecosystems and associated experiences.

Chapter vision

Above all, the French community, which lags behind its neighbours, needs to take ownership of the culture of servicedesign, which is much more action-oriented than Design Thinking.

  1. The first mission we wish to entrust to the French chapter is that of evangelization: Service Design Drinks and SD Meetup. We have already organized the Gov Jam 2018 in Lyon which attracted people from all over France.
  2. The second mission concerns the dissemination of good service design practices in France: writing case studies, conferences, articles in Touchpoints.
  3. The third aims to bring together the widely dispersed community in local events to date: sharing best practices, reviewing methods, Global Service Jams and more friendly moments.
Chiara Nocco
Chiara Nocco - Service design / Co-founder @Aperience

The time is now: my ambition is to spread the practice of Service Design in order to help organizations create value for stakeholders. I would like to help incorporate design thinking into engineering and management studies. I feel that we need to have a united Service Design community in France and to be able to share our experiences with others all around the world. There is no better way to achieve these goals than through the first network dedicated to service design, SDN.

Pablo Buet
Pablo Buet - Founder & Lead Service Designer

I help organizations to design better services, solutions that create value, and meaningful experiences for their customers and employees with a design-driven approach. My path has taken me to collaborate with many organizations from around the world, enabling me to work with people from different countries and cultures, to gather a good experience in complex environments and to approach challenges with a different perspective. Founding partner at Aperience, a Service Design Consultancy based in Lyon, France. Also, I have been spreading the word of Service Design in France by teaching professionally at universities and companies, animating the service design community and organising service jams, events and talks about Service Design.

Bertrand Cochet
Bertrand Cochet - Customer Experience • Innovative Strategy • Service Design

I work to accelerate Service Design advocacy in France and to help my clients to imagine better services and offer great experiences, especially for public and governmental services. My experiences in meetups and events organization will also serve to promote the good word by reaching people grown tired of unsuitable methods and tools.

Asako Nakano
Asako Nakano - Business Design Director at Devoteam Digital Impulse

I’m interested in growing the maturity of service design in France, deepening the understanding of people from the design industry, but also beyond, and in helping other designers and companies embrace and deliver cross-entities, holistic service design in order to create a better world and have a real impact in the society.

Camille Saint-Lanne-Beth
Camille Saint-Lanne-Beth - Service Design • CX • Employee Experience

Aspiring to be part of today’s business challenges by building creative and meaningful experiences, I am currently working at Baker Park to lead consulting CX and employee experience-related projects.

Sébastien Lery
Sébastien Lery - Founding Partner at Baker Park

Service Design, Customer Experience, Employee experience, Low-carbon experience, event B2B, upskilling, and Data & AI

Gaetane Oliveira
Gaetane Oliveira - Consultant at Baker Park