About Bruno Monteiro

Bruno Monteiro
Paris | France


Bruno Monteiro OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation, Innovation Lead in Public Services | Policy Analyst

I am Policy Analyst at the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), where I am the Lead on "Innovation in Public Services". I have a strong interest in the adoption of people-centered, collaborative and experimental approaches to the design, improvement and delivery of public services; the creation and use of proactive and prospective strategies and solutions in Governments; and the leverage of innovation enablers to support systemic changes. Among other activities, I lead the Gov2Gov Innovation Incubator, the promotion of the OECD Declaration on Public Sector Innovation (& Innovation Playbook), and the international project "Improving civic participation with emerging technologies" (Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, with the support of EC).

Before joining the OECD, I was the coordinator of the Experimentation Lab for Public Administration (LabX), a team of the Administrative Modernisation Agency (AMA), in Portugal. The portfolio of projects and deliverables created in the team is very diversified, as can be seen in its progress reports. The initiative was heavily supported in the engagement of citizens and users, the adoption of evidence-based approaches, the co-creation with ecosystem stakeholders, and a large range of experimentation methods. During my time at LabX, among others responsibilities, I was the Portuguese national contact point for the Open Government Partnership and the co-chair of the Digital Democracy working group (e-Leaders).

Previously, I was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Porto, benefiting from the support from the National Foundation for Science and Technology. During that time, I was a scientific member of the Institute of Sociology (University of Porto) and the Institute of Contemporary History (UN Lisbon). My research interests were the changes of the State and public policies; the historical transformations of economic, cultural and political elites; and the use of statistical methods and socio-historical research. I published extensively on these areas; happy to share details about my work.

In my spare time, among others, I have been editing and translating to Portuguese books from authors that I especially appreciate, such as Elfriede Jelinek, Karl Kraus, and Peter Altenberg. I have also coordinated and organised the publication of volumes from Mikhail Bakhtin, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Michel Pialoux or Antonio Gramsci. On another area, I wrote about theatre for Portuguese theatres, including the National Theatre Sao Joao (Porto) and the Theatre Joaquim Benite (Almada).

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