
说起中国,第一个浮现在你脑海的是哪个城市?北京,上海,深圳…… 没错,SDN上海终于成立啦! 继SDN北京后,中国大陆第二个SDN分支机构落户上海了! 那入选SDN上海,我们拼的是什么?是卓越的团队?高颜值?还是其他呢?

Although Service Design in China is still at an infancy stage, we can see the country has already begun evolving from commodity-oriented market stage to a product-oriented market, and now, entering a service-oriented period. More and more companies and academic organisations have plunged into this field. With nearly a hundred colleges, Shanghai boasts abundant talents, who are promoters and innovators for design thinking. Therefore, Shanghai is the most ideal location for nationwide promotion of service design.

SDN Shanghai started its preparation from October 2015. In May 2016, it got the authorisation of a three-month soft opening. At the mean time, the operation team is growing from the original size of 2 persons. We feel very grateful for the supports from SDN headquarter which enabled us to gradually execute our ideas of promoting the service design. They shared with us their views and thoughts:



A letter from SDN headquarter:
1. What were the deciding factors considered when approving our proposal out of other applications for SDN Shanghai? 

1)The strengthen of the team and the city 
As the biggest city in China, Shanghai is a very interesting location for us to build a Chapter. It has a high exposure opportunity not only the domestic but also to the global community as it’s the global financial center and a transport hub with the world’s busiest port.  
As the SDN Shanghai Chapter team, your team has a variety of qualification on the three founding members while having the same ground of service design. The Chapter is from a global design firm (which is a commercial sector), the other two people are form Research institution and university. We believe these diverse backgrounds will bring different perspective to the team and eventually to the SD community in Shanghai. The Chapter activity plans were also concrete and tangible enough that we can trust the events will be delivered during the three months building phase. 

2)The competency of the Chapter - Cathy Huang
While having a Skype interview, we had a great impression on Cathy- the Chapter applicant. 
Her outstanding profile on service design field and the confident attitude that she showed during the Skype, gave us a very positive impression on the SDN Shanghai as the team that we can trust and make a mutual collaboration with. 



2. What values and impact would you hope SDN Shanghai Chapter bring to SDN Headquarter? To other SDN chapters? 
We hope SDN Shanghai will be the connector and facilitator between SDN HQ and the local community. Moreover, we hope your team will be a curator and ultimately content creator on service design in the region in order to implement SDN strategy in the local level and interact with SDN members in the region while overcome the language barrier. Through the Chapter activity, we hope your team could inspire and gather the community  and delivers the local perspectives to the global network. 



3. Since China's service design is currently in different development stage compared to western countries, what do you think the prospect of service design's development in China be like in the next five years and beyond? 
China has a strong based on manufacturing industry and more and more manufacturing businesses are being centralised in China. The fact that products can hardly be functional solely without a system behind, we see a huge potential for China to turn commodity-oriented market to service-oriented market. Additionally, China has abundant talents while attracting external human recourses. Though service design has begun to evolve in China, we believe China will soon locate themselves in an unique position in the international stage results from the strength they have. 



4. What's your expectation for the future SDN Shanghai? 
We hope to see collaboration between Asian Chapters- SDN Taiwan, SDN Beijing and furthermore SDN Japan.
Like the collaboration of SDN Nordic Chapters (SDN Finland, SDN Denmark, SDN Norway and SDN Sweden), would be fabulous to see an East Asia Service Design Global Conference in collaboration with Asian Chapters. We hope to see a leading role in the collaboration from SDN Shanghai.



Outlook of SDN Shanghai

In order to make service design more open, more friendly and more practically co-created with public, our team adhere to the core ideas of “open, co-create, practice”. Our job will be theoretically based on academic exploration while practically serve for cross-boundary creation. We hope to build an eco-system in which social innovation turns into business value and then business value impacts upon social value.

The co-founders pf SDN Shanghai:


CBi—Xue Yin

China Telecom Shanghai Research Institute—Hong Ji

Shanghai Dian Ji University—Boming Liu


Tang ConsultingFeng Huang

……(We are looking forward to more professionals and scholars’joining.)












The first SDN Shanghai meeting was held at CBi. Participants are Bomin Liu(Shanghai Dianji University), Cathy(CBi), Jingqin He(Shanghai Research Institute of China Telecom),Xue Yin(CBi) 第一届SDN上海会议在桥中召开,参加者刘博敏(上海电机学院),Cathy(桥中),何菁钦(中国电信上海研究院),银雪(桥中)
The first SDN Shanghai meeting was held at CBi. Participants are Bomin Liu(Shanghai Dianji University), Cathy(CBi), Jingqin He(Shanghai Research Institute of China Telecom),Xue Yin(CBi) 第一届SDN上海会议在桥中召开,参加者刘博敏(上海电机学院),Cathy(桥中),何菁钦(中国电信上海研究院),银雪(桥中)

If you are interested in SDN Shanghai and are willing to promote the development of service design in Shanghai or even in eastern China together with us, please contact Xue Yin at xue.yin@shcbi.com

如果您对SDN上海感兴趣,同时愿意加入我们共同推动服务设计在上海乃至华东地区的发展,请联系银雪 xue.yin@shcbi.com

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