服務設計的當務之急(The Service Design Imperative)
SDN Taiwan is committed to serve service design community in Taiwan by connecting practitioners, sharing knowledge, and co-creating value. Currently, SDN Taiwan is promoting service design on talent development, organization implementation, and social impact. We also like to co-work with service design practitioners around Asia to develop Asia's service design practice.
服務設計小聚這次有60位夥伴聚在一起,從Designit Tokyo 的台灣設計師 Sandra Lin 分享他在日本做服務設計的經驗。同時參與香港服務設計研討會的 I-Chun Chao,還有參與在西班牙舉行之2017國際服務設計網絡年會的Min-Chen Lin,會與我們分享他們在國際研討會所看到的服務設計脈動!今年入圍 Service Design Student Award的Szu-Ying Chen也跟我們分享了他的專案 Factory NextGen!
Hualien Mennonite Hospital, established in 1954, is an important health care resource in eastern Taiwan. Due to the regional development gap, most young people migrate out of Hualien. Thus patients today of Hualien Mennonite hospital are the elder, the physically challenged, and mothers with children, all of them are suffered from limited mobility. Therefore, Mennonite Hospital had collaborated with 5% Design Action and BenQ, together we designed a number of prototypes to improve the patient's overall experience.
Taiwan has been actively involved in the international design circle in recent years, including the 2011 IDA Congress, World Design Expo and 2016 World Design Capital in Taipei. The growing trend has been also transforming the ‘Made-in-Taiwan’ (MIT) economy into a ‘Design-in-Taiwan’ (DIT) one.
世界互動設計日 2019 World Interaction Design Day 2019 信任與責任 - Trust and Responsibility - IxDD 世界互動設計日,是由致力於推動世界互動設計發展的國際互動設計協會(IxDA)發起。今年以「 Trust & Responsibility 信任與責任」為主題,探討互動設計者在工作上、場域上及社群上對信任和責任的影響。 今年邀請 SDN Taiwan 與 Mozilla 在世界互動設計日一起和 IxDA 舉辦聯合小聚。 SDN Taiwan 特別選出一支影片與大家一同觀賞,並在影片結束後與大家一同分享討論:這部影片選自2018年在愛爾蘭都柏林 Service Design Global Conference 服務設計大會,由 McKinsey Design 的 Stefan Moritz 帶大家探討在科技進步的時代,科技趨勢對人類工作造成的影響,人類被機器人取代的可能性,以及人類工作的價值等。許多人對未來的生活多少都抱持了不確定性與害怕,認為終究一天會被機器人取代,而有人持反對意見,講者就是其一。這部影片將會從科技演進和信任的角度去思考未來工作的可能性,並帶聽眾探討背後的原因。 我們期待這部具有衝擊性的影片,能為設計師夥伴們帶來新的觀點。 Mozilla 的 Ricky Yu 會從東南亞的用戶角度談設計FireFox產品的信任與責任:越來越多人仰賴數位產品或服務來解決日常所需可能不是什麼大新聞,但最近幾年大眾開始意識到在享受快速方便的服務時所需交換的相關資料,是否能被信任的使用又或著企業是否有所謂的責任?Ricky 會從以重視用戶與產品間信任關系的Firefox系列產品為出發聊聊我們所想像的企業責任及在東南亞國家研究時,使用者對於這些議題的想法有什麼不一樣的地方 。
This is the very first time we held the Service Design National Conference in Taiwan. The SDN Taiwan hosted the conference on 23 October 2015 in Taipei City. Over 160 people from the business, academia, agency, and social enterprise fields gathered to discuss “Service Design for Social Impact in Asia.
Great to have you here. Together, we can share knowledge and learnings, and further strengthen our growing discipline.