SDGC 2020 Movie Night
Again this year, our DC chapter hosted a movie night event for our members who may have missed this year's conference - showcasing two of our favorite talks.
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Again this year, our DC chapter hosted a movie night event for our members who may have missed this year's conference - showcasing two of our favorite talks.
As part of DC Design Week , Service Design DC hosted our second installment of five Pecha Kucha presentations, centered around the theme “Celebrating the voices of DC’s creative community”!
In a three-part series, Mauricio Manhaes, Design Researcher and Professor shared what is required for a shift in mindset to practice service design and how systemic change is a part of it.
In celebration of Service Design Day, Designers from all over the world tuned in for five enticing Pecha Kucha presentations in honor of this year’s theme “Do Good - Give Back.”
Hungry for thought partnership and design conversations, members from the DC design community virtually gathered for our first web based event.
Kicking off the new year with a new leadership team, and continuing the growth of DC’s Service Design community.
A truly inspiring evening with SDN founders Birgit Mager and Shelley Evenson reliving SDGC in Toronto and talking about the evolution of Service Design.
Expert panelists from both private and public sector come together to examine the intersections of service design and customer experience.
Our SDN DC chapter spends an evening with George Aye from Chicago's Greater Good Studio
Friday afternoon, around 40 designers from the NOVA and DC region gathered after work at Dirty Habit in DC to celebrate Service Design Day.
Shilpi Kumar and Service Designers of DC join at Fannie Mae to discuss how to use design, lean, and agile processes in harmony
This event was the second part of the 3-part series of conversations on the intersections of Service Design (SD) with User Experience (UX) and Customer Experience (CX).
Conversations about the differences between service design and fields such as UX/CX/product design / change management/ anthropology etc. miss the point – service design has grown from these fields.
With so much growing interest in the Service Design discipline, our DC chapter summer event, focused on introducing the roots of Service Design.
Service Design DC and Deloitte present a Cannes film festival of their own to celebrate Service Design Day.
The stars finally aligned, and we're so thrilled to bring back this much sought-after workshop which we had to cancel last year due to inclement weather!