The third presenter was Floor Blindenbach, founder and CEO of Organizing4Innovation, who shared her insight and experience with helping teams large and small deliver results and transform innovative ideas into new revenue streams. Floor shared how big businesses and small local businesses need different innovation processes due to differences in developmental risks, appropriability, and scalability. In her opinion, the easiest approach to building innovation is to invest in teams instead of single providers.
The fourth presentation was by Tim Shaw, Director of User Experience Design at Forum One. Tim shared a new tool that he jokingly calls “Mawwiage” as it is a combination of a service blueprint and process flow. The tool captures the paths a service may take, as well as the front stage and back stage touchpoints, which includes multiple layers of people and systems. The tool has helped his team identify issues/disappointments, inconsistencies, and opportunities in the as-is journey as well as helping stakeholders identify points of change and prioritize solutions.
Lastly, Lourdes Martinez and Nicolle Belaunde from Design Impact Peru shared their journey in finding and leading an all Women-led service design community in Peru. The organization uses service design to tackle the country’s biggest social issues. Through their campaign and activism, they are giving women a voice by empowering them to lead the changes that are happening around the country. Currently they are creating a Design Impact Activation toolkit to help other women lead Design Impact Chapters around the world.
The virtual Pecha Kucha event was a true success in engaging service designers from around the world on new methodologies, perspectives, and tools while virtually connecting with each other. If you missed the event or loved the event, we have great news! Service Design DC will host Pecha Kucha Nights regularly so see you all at the next Pecha Kucha Night!
View the entire event here
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