Service Design Network
Author - Service Design Network

Service Design Award 2024 - Finalist

Company: Context Studio

Client: Dublin City Council

Country: Ireland

Overview: Facilitation of a process involving Dublin City Council and nominated Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs) to co-design an agreed consultation and participation process, and to review the process following a trial period involving three pilot projects to prototype and test the process and ensure its sustainability.

In 2022/23, Context Studio collaborated with Dublin City Council (DCC) and various Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs) to co-design a new consultation process for disabled persons organisations. Under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities these organisations must be consulted by the city as a matter of priority on decisions which impact their lives.

The project brought together three key groups: staff from DCC, elected representatives (councillors), and representatives from Disabled Persons Organisations. It had four phases: discovery, co-design, pilot, and review.

1. Discovery
Desk research and interviews with stakeholders explored prior consultation experiences and the needs which might be met by a new process. Findings were categorized into three themes: crucial points to remember when engaging with DPOs, challenges to be addressed in co-design, and findings specifically for internal consideration by DCC.

2. Co-Design
Two accessible workshops were conducted online – carefully designed to be as accommodating as possible to a diverse range of needs. DCC staff, elected councillors, and DPO representatives brainstormed responses to “How might we…” design challenges, and six concepts emerged which informed the design of the new consultation process.

3. Pilot Phase
The prototype consultation process was tested with three pilot projects chosen by DCC: a public realm project (street improvements), an accessible amenity project (beach accessibility), and a community festival. Fortnightly reviews and a shared "Learning Log" allowed rapid iteration to the process.

4. Review Phase
A final, online workshop was held to capture and review pilot learnings and gather feedback from all stakeholders. A master blueprint was delivered which captured the entire process in detail, and additional assets were also produced to aid further prototyping and refinement by the pilot teams following our departure.

The project successfully established a new mechanism for DCC staff, elected councillors, and DPOs to collaborate. This approach not only demonstrated commitment to accessibility and inclusion, but also assisted with the implementation of best practices for accessible communications and broader engagement with disabled people.

The new consultation process was launched in December 2023 by the Lord Mayor of Dublin with several Disabled Persons Organisations in attendance. The process has been broadly welcomed by DPO’s. This marked a significant milestone, making DCC the first local authority to introduce a process to meet the UNCRPD's obligations. This achievement positioned DCC as a leader in both consultation and in the application of co-design, serving as a model for other local authorities.

Following this initial project, Context Studio was recently rehired to assist the wider implementation of this consultation process across Dublin City Council. This step is expected to further embed a mindset of collaboration and inclusivity within the council's operations, ensuring long-term success and compliance with the UNCRPD.

Service Designer/Team: Context Studio (John Lynch – Design Director, Sean Casey – Service Designer)
Service Provider: Dublin City Council
Client/in house project: Dublin City Council
Project Location(s): Dublin City, Ireland.
Duration: Sep 2022 – June 2023

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