1) Can you explain what service design is? And how your company implements it / uses that field?
We experience service in all aspects of life. Religion provides a construct of rules that together could be described as a service. The parents that look after you and raised you provided a service. The government that cares and captains your country provides a service in return for taxes. All these experiences are characterised by service like behaviours.
For me, the most interesting part of services are the end of their provision - the Closure Experience. The most overlooked bit in many cases. I champion good practice at the end of the customer life cycle. I show companies and individuals how developing Closure Experiences can help their company, customers and our wider society. The part that most service providers overlook and under nourish.
2) What do you believe is the greatest opportunity for your company using service design?
The guidance I provide helps people rebalance the customer life cycle to include a Closure Experiences. Many services focus on the On-Boading that is populated with Starting experiences, leaving Off-Boarding and Closure Experiences to fate. This has a negative effect on the customer experience, the brand perception and providers attitudes.
3) Can you share three tips for implementing service design in their own practice?
A considered Closure Experience should aim to achieve 1 of 3 things. Bring about an aspect of Reflection, prepare the provider and the customer for Rebirth, or bring Peace to the relationship.
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