About Erico Fileno

Erico Fileno
São Paulo | Brazil

Design Executive leading innovation by Design

Erico Fileno SDN Brasil, Design Executive @efileno

Designer (BA) with M.Sc. in Digital Culture and MBA in Strategy and Business Management. Along my 25-year professional journey, I've been helping Fortune 500 organizations to design and delivery services and products that solve the problems of millions of people every day around the world. I was forerunner in Brazil, through a strategic approach to Design in connecting human perspective, business vision and new technologies.

In the early 2000's, I was the pioneer for igniting Service Design, UX and Interaction Design movements in Brazil. I'm a regular contributor for the Service Design Network, having founded its Brazilian Chapter in 2012. Furthermore, since 2007, I'm the trailblazer lecturer about design thinking, service design and interaction design in Brazil. I co-founded the Faber-Ludens Institute, the first reference center on Interaction Design and UX (User Experience) in the region. I also launched the graduate program on Human-Centered Design at Positivo University, with 2 courses: Interaction Design and Service Design - this last one pioneer in Latin America.

To me, service design means...

the basis for building 21st century design with user research, business design and service innovation.

Erico’s contributions

How to contribute
Event VAMOS FALAR SOBRE design sistêmico?

VAMOS FALAR SOBRE design sistêmico?

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Event Service Design Day 2023

Service Design Day 2023

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Event Lançamento livro Ziriguidum - Casos brasileiros de Design de Serviço 2023

Lançamento livro Ziriguidum - Casos brasileiros de Design de Serviço 2023

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Touchpoint Article Érico Fileno Interview

Érico Fileno Interview

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Touchpoint Article Service Design at Scale in a Global Organisation

Service Design at Scale in a Global Organisation

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