SDN Academy Events - Other

Learn how to bring journey mapping from a simple workshop tool to an interconnected information system in organizations in this new SDN Academy course with SDN Acc. Master Marc Stickdorn.

What to expect?

This TiSDD DEEP DIVE is an intensive 3 half-day course on Journey Management (also known as Journey Map Operations). With a combination of talks, interactive workshops, and Q&A sessions, you'll learn how to bring journey mapping from a simple workshop tool to an interconnected information system in organizations.

Course in details

No matter if you’re completely new to journey maps or if you’re a veteran in journey mapping, using journey maps as a visual customer-centric management tool requires a specific set-up and governance structure. When implemented correctly, it can help you to keep an overview of ongoing and planned initiatives in your organization as well as a repository of past projects including previous journey maps and research data.

Journey Management enables you to:

  • Keep a hierarchy of maps that are always up-to-date
  • Build a repository of previous projects and research data
  • Coordinate all projects in your organization with impact on CX/EX
  • Find old projects and build new projects on existing data
  • Create a dashboard of CX/EX for management
  • Actively build bridges between organizational silos

Course Outline

Session 1: Management Maps (3 hours incl. breaks)

  • Intro to Journey Management / Journey Map Operations (JMO)
  • Creation and use cases of Journey Maps
  • Evaluation and reliability of Journey Maps
  • Exercise on Management Maps
  • Q&A session

Session 2: Journey Management (3 hours incl. breaks)

  • Research exercise for Emotional Journey & Dramatic Arc
  • Exercise on Journey Hierarchy incl. reflection
  • Including KPIs and building Journey Performance Indicators (JPI)
  • Personas as a strategic tool in Journey Management
  • Q&A session

Session 3: Structures & Governance (3 hours incl. breaks)

  • Overview of governance system for Journey Management
  • JMO as an information system for organizations
  • Connecting JMO with Triple Track Agile Management
  • Exercise on crafting a roadmap to introduce JMO in organizations
  • Q&A session


Dates: December 10-12, 2024
Hours:  all days | 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM CET (GMT+1)

Language: english_language_icon.png English
Course level: Advanced
Location: Zoom
Platform details will be shared with course registrants prior to course

Early-bird Tickets end: October 31, 2024
Registration deadline: December 10, 2024

Early Bird Member | €450
Early Bird Non-Member | €500
Member | €495
Non-Member | €545

Marc Stickdorn
Marc Stickdorn - SDN Acc. Master

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