SDN Chapter Awards 2018

What would we be without the incredibly energetic work that each of our national SDN chapters puts into empowering the global Service Design community? Let's put a bright spot on the inspiring cases and event insights from our SDN Chapter teams.

The National Chapter Board and SDN HQ are excited to announce the details of the SDN Chapter Awards 2018. The Award Ceremony will take place during the Members Day on the SDGC18.

Today we have 38 international Chapters with teams of volunteers working hard to raise awareness and grow the market for service design because they passionately believe it is the key to social and economic success in their local community.

The awards are a way to showcase your amazing achievements to our international community and raise awareness about Chapters.

  • Award for Excellent Event Organisation
  • Award for Best Public Relations
  • Award for Best Member Relations
  • Award for Most Innovative Initiative
  • Award for Excellent Cultural Inclusivity

Nominate your Chapter now!

Chapter Nominations are opened until August 15, 2018.

Take a look at last year's winners and their success stories.  

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