Service Design in the Corporate World

On 27 March 2019, Standard Chartered Bank’s eXellerator Lab hosted the first event of the year.

We held our first Service Design Network Singapore event - Service Design in the Corporate World on 27th March at Standard Chartered’s eXellerator Lab and it was a great success! We had an engaging session learning about how Service Design is applied in the corporate industry as well as the government sector.

Our guest speakers Jennifer McAuliffe from SC Ventures, Jeremy Walker, Co-Founder of Craig Walker and Peter Overy, Co-Founder of AGENCY (Singapore) provided valuable insights on the application of Service Design based on their past experiences working with various corporate and government organisations. The night concluded with a networking session where we had meaningful conversations about our perceptions of service design over refreshments provided by SC Ventures. 

We would like to show our appreciation to the participants for their active engagement throughout the session! Thank you SC Ventures for hosting and providing refreshments for this SDN Singapore event.

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